Ixintro Fish Exporter Importing Company Ltd. Bringing you tasty, Taiwanese fish since February 23, 2005!

Age 33, Male


Edinboro University

Edinboro University

Joined on 12/30/06

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Pixmintro's News

Posted by Pixmintro - December 1st, 2009

Hey everybody.

Just wanted to let you know I have done absolutely NOTHING since the last time I updated. Zero, zilch, nada, ohhhhh wellllll... I ended up taking a break out of pure apathy for what I was doing and am currently prepping myself to get back in the game by watching all the DVDs for the Animator's Survival Kit since I'm getting pretty rusty. I don't know if I'm gonna go back to what I was working on before since I kind of feel like letting that sit, I'll probably just bullshit for a little bit.

I did DO stuff over the last few weeks that I think is pretty neato, nifty and swell durrr... Last Monday, I got to meet the supervising director of Star Wars: Clone Wars, Dave Filoni. He was doing a seminar at my college and I got an autograph and pics and stuff. I don't really give a damn about Clone Wars, or really Star Wars honestly, I was just really excited to hear he worked on short-lived shows like Mission Hill. He animated a good chunk of the opening credits and I was like ohhh yeahhh...

Anyway over the Thanksgiving break I watched some REALLY GOOD movies and some REALLLLLLLYYY BAD movies. Finally got to see Coraline, about time, it was a wonderful little movie, made me smile :). Then I had the delight of seeing the world's best worst movie ever, Tommy Wiseau's The Room. A masterpiece of pure shittiness, a hallmark. If you've never seen it, I advise you to at some point in your life.

Also, hilarious cartoon I saw the other day that people I know would probably think has been run into the ground by now... I was a little iffy about posting this because of the NSFW-ness of it but oh well. So people, NSFW.

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Welp, guess I'll see you guys in another month and maybe I'll have something to show for it next time... Probably not heh heh heh heh. Peace.


Posted by Pixmintro - November 5th, 2009

Hey everybody!

Reviews demanding rape aside............ Thank you all for the warm treatment of "Bloody Sundae", I'm surprised how well it's been doing :). I'v never gotten a Daily Feature or over 25,000 views before so thank you... Anyway, dick-suckery aside which I'm amazed I'd want to do at all, here are my favorite Halloween flash cartoons...
Hipsterween - Oh Lenko, you sexy sexy beast, the visuals and pacing in this cartoon are gorgeous.
Last Resort - Aardvark's style is just undeniably good.
Lychgate - Noir yes, congrats on this doing so well Marc.

Okay, enough of that. Well I'm back to working on my prior engagements, "In The Morning" particularly. I have no idea when this will be done, I'm aiming for early December right now since the amount of stuff I can or would do with it fluctuates every time I look at it. I may make a Christmas cartoon if I feel like it (probably not).

Other than that, it's been rather uneventful. I've just been kicking back and enjoying life recently. Been doing sketches and coming up with some ideas for things and have discovered the incredibly good webcomic, Octopus Pie, created by Ukinojoe's sister, Meridith Gran. Give it a look-see if you want.

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This cartoon is fucking incredible (and hilarious).

Anyway blah blah done talking, Bloody Sundae is now up for view on AlbinoBlackSheep, peace.


Posted by Pixmintro - October 27th, 2009

Hey everybody!

After several weeks of light work, then 3 days of laborious, mind-bending work, I finally completed my submission for the NG Halloween Flash-Off. Oh god oh man, the last few days. After lack of sleep, food and personal hygiene and I can finally say so long to this thing.

Anyway, my friends here at school were nice enough to do some excellent voice work for this movie. Great since they don't have a lot of experience with VA work, but I think they did pretty good. I also find it funny how my friend Liz who voiced the girl can sound a hell of a lot like Super Milk Chan in her recordings. And working with Jake was fun because he would make the funniest faces possible while recording. Also have to give credit to Ryan for filling the backgrounds of the sessions with absurd screaming and squeaking.

Besides the movie, I might as well post another cartoon I like... You all may be aware of the new cartoon on CN, "Regular Show", but would you like to see where some of the characters first appeared in JG Quintel's "2 In the AM PM"???

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Anyway, I'm just glad to have my first non-collaborative cartoon in 6 months done, peace.

Bloody Sundae

Posted by Pixmintro - October 17th, 2009

Hey everybody, got some pretty cool news.

I started making a cartoon for the Halloween Competition, alright then! I already have a good chunk of it done, I wanted to have a certain amount done before I mentioned it just in case I dropped it like I do with so many projects. Red.M was nice enough to let me use a song from his new Halloween album for the movie and it sounds awesome B). I dunno, there's not much I can mention about the cartoon without just dropping a big spoiler dump, but it is very frame-by-frame. I just felt like it.

Anyway, with my other cartoon, "In the Morning", I have no idea when it'll be done, anywhere between early December and sometime in early 2010. I kind of want to have it out of the way before the new year though.

Also, in some unrelated news that I may only see as exciting... I'm a big fan of They Might Be Giants, (DUH REALLY?!) and they had a new album come out recently, admittedly, a kid's album "Here Comes Science" but I like it anyway heh. The album includes a music video for every song, some of which are excellently animated. One video in particular I like is for the song "Put it to the Test", watch it below. The reason I'm telling you little goofballs all this is because, a few days ago, I found out one of my university's very own animation teachers, Jeremy Galante, co-directed that music video. Pretty cool, I wanna go shake his hand. I dunno, the name looked familiar and I eventually realized it was the same guy. He also co-directed another video for the album, "Cells".

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Blah blah, there you go, a big beefy announcement and some other semi-interesting details. But have you ever heard of ze Poofinket???

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Also, Nonzop has a huge d. B)

Posted by Pixmintro - October 6th, 2009

Watch out! Here comes the Grill Jockey's arch nemesis, the Vicious Vegan!

His prime goal in life is to use his brawling broccoli stalk to pound his beliefs of never eating any animal products into others' skulls and be a complete, condescending prick about it. Also, his finely toned calves are lethal weapons, he once killed a Starbucks cashier with them for not being impressed, and the guy didn't give him the Soy Latte he wanted, I mean REALLY!

This is the Villain I made for TBA Superhero/Supervillain Contest, I made it to the second round! I'll probably make it to the 3rd round, maybe. Anyway, I've just been busy having fun with my friends and shirking my responsibilities, always fun. Also, whoever hasn't seen Rob Zombie's El Superbeasto, go see it, it's freaking great so here's the trailer. Whatever, not gonna write a tl;dr post so sayonara!

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Posted by Pixmintro - September 27th, 2009

The Grill Jockey's gonna seal in the juices of safety and justice with his trusty Spatula of Spank, by whooping your ass with it!

Yeah I made this for TBA Superhero Contest... I don't have much to say this week as you can tell since I was sick most of this week. During the meantime I slept and watched downloaded episodes of Clone High.


Posted by Pixmintro - September 19th, 2009

Hey everybody, what's up?!

I don't care. Anyway, I've got some pretty good news. I managed to recover all my crap on my computer so I can start working on my cartoons again. Cool. Yeah, It never occurred to me to fix it myself by consulting the internet, but 10 minutes later, I recovered 160 Gigs worth of stuff.

Lately I've just been going to classes, doodling in charcoal, and sleeping A LOT. I'll probably be uploading some new charcoals and stuff when I feel like photographing them since I've got some nice ones right now. It's all fun at college, doing what you want, when you want, where you want. I'm just waiting eagerly to get into my animation classes next semester, I already bought a bunch of blue animation-construction pencils and a ream of animation paper, not sure why though...

I've also been kicking around some cartoon ideas and doing some new character designs since I'm trying to revamp my style. I've got some really interesting ones laying around here somewhere. I may be doing a cartoon for the Halloween Competition, probably not, but who knows. Anyway I'm bored and rambling now, I'm just kind of happy I can post these once a week now.

As for previews of my new cartoon "In The Morning", screw you guys, none of you deserve to see it and I'm sure you're well aware of it.

Anyhoo, I was gonna dig up some more Edinboro animation, but I forgot to go digging so here's a nice animatedThey Might Be Giants music video that is of some relevance since I have an exam on Mesopotamian art and culture in Art History this week. Okay, sayonara.

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Yes I'm well aware of how much I refer to They Might Be Giants, it's pretty much a problem now.

Oh and obligatory Kanye reference.


Posted by Pixmintro - September 6th, 2009

Hey everybody, let's all just put the DD aside for now, since YAWWNNN whatever. Also, that title was just something completely non-sequitur.

I'm at college now and I'm fucking loving it. Every damn bit of it, the homework isn't even a pain (yet). My roommate is ultra cool along with everybody else in my rundown "high"-rise dormitory. Almost all of the people on my floor are animation majors, most of which are big into Newgrounds. Just a few nights ago, we were all piled into a 3rd year's room watching HappyHarry's cartoons. The parties here are a good time as well, lots of cute girls and lots of fun to be had.

With all good times come bad times. Pretty big, bad times that started off my time at school. My college mandates that all computers that are connected to the system all need Sophos Anti-Virus and some weird Cisco stuff. Upon installing the software, it made my glitchy Compaq go nuts and it went into restart and after lots of fiddling and to my own dismay, went into a Destructive System Recovery.

Yeah, my harddrive got wiped as a result and I was never too keen on backing up my files too extensively. Yeah, my bad. The harddrive is still telling me it's full to the same point it was before, but I just don't know where everything if it's there.

This kind of puts the brakes on my new cartoon since the latest version to my disposal is about a month old. Also importing .swf's off of the public uploader I use would, of course, cause audio loss and other BS. I just don't feel like dealing with that stuff right now. So the cartoon's on hold until I'm prepared to go do damage control on it.

Yep, otherwise, the good has incredibly outweighed the bad to the point of me not caring at all about my computer being wiped. The only thing I'm irritated about is that I have to get all my music back and recover some programs. Fehhhhh. Anyhoo, I will leave you with an excellent piece of animation made at the Animation Department at my University :). And no screenshots this time since, I DON'T HAVE ANY! :D

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Also, don't go to Nevvgrounds.Com, okay?


Posted by Pixmintro - August 20th, 2009

Hey everybody, this is gonna be my last ever "pre-college" FP post, coolio.

Anyway, I've been slowly working on the new cartoon, I figured my pace would slow after a while like it does with everything I work on. BUT, it's still lookin' mighty good. If you're savvy, you can dig up what I have done so far of the new (cameo-ridden) cartoon, elsewhere. (Cough, TBA, cough!) I finally solidified the storyboard, since it's just a big mess of post-its on my wall anyhow and I'm pretty happy with it.

Also, my 18th birthday's coming up on Tuesday which I'm pretty excited about. And I leave for college on the 30th so yeah, a lot of changes going on in the next week or so, bring it on! Yep, anyhow, yeah I did a part for Syndication, but I'm not totally sure how often I may participate, I seem a little too faggy for the Star Syndicate so...

Anyhow, I leave you with something truly TRULY awesome. The Trailer for Venture Bros. Season 4!!!

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Oh, and another screenshot I guess.

VENTURE BROS Season 4!... Also College and 18th Bday

Posted by Pixmintro - August 5th, 2009

Hey everyone!

Just though I'd do another post just to get back into it. Yeah, it's true, I'll be doing some animating for the newly revived Tomorrow's Nobody group, coolio. Also, I've been working on quite a few things recently. I've been working on some pieces for some fun little collabs going on, I've also been making some head-way on my new cartoon. It's currently being called "In The Morning", I don't know, still deciding.

I'm still on my hiatus from Tywo indefinitely, but some people have been picking at the corpse of Episode #4 and tinkering with the script for Episode #5. Other than that, not much Tywo-related going on.

Anyway, I head off to college at the end of the month so I'm just trying to have as much fun as I can before I have to go crack some books and get down to business. It should be really fun though, based on how well the orientation went the other day. I got a little single-strap bookbag with the University logo on it, makes me feel all college-y wearing it. Hence, I call it my "douchebag". :P

So yep, some more animation stuff soon, and I'm just kicking back, hanging out with some friends, and watching some good movies. I suggest you go watch Wes Anderson's "Rushmore" if you haven't yet. Funny movie.

Also, just like last year, I got rejected from the Ottawa International Animation Festival, this time for Tywo Episode #3. Aw shoot, oh well. Here's another screenshot from the new movie.

College (Douche)Bag