Ixintro Fish Exporter Importing Company Ltd. Bringing you tasty, Taiwanese fish since February 23, 2005!

Age 33, Male


Edinboro University

Edinboro University

Joined on 12/30/06

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Pixmintro's News

Posted by Pixmintro - July 17th, 2009

Hey everybody, long time no see.

Okay, I've got news, probably not great news, just news. If you're looking for Episode #4 of "Tywo At Large" anytime, you're not gonna get it. I've put the episode on hold indefinitely. Just let me explain why I'm not going to work on it... The script really sucked. You know, have you ever written something, then let it sit for a long time, then come back and realize you hate it? Yeah, that's what happened to me. Sort of like how they tell you that if you want a tattoo, put the design in your wallet for a year to make sure you still like it. It was good at the time, but now, it's just a mess. The people I showed it to held their noses and were horrified.

So, I'm either going to jump to Episode #5, which some peoples' only complaints were its length (13 minutes) or I'm going to rewrite Episode #4 from the ground-up. The concept was decent enough, the execution sucked rocks. I also need to tweek some characters, especially Jackal. He's just kind of... There. So I need to rethink a few things, and it won't be too easy so I'm going to need a little time.

But this isn't going to be anytime soon, I'm taking a break. Not gonna be Tywo-ing up Newgrounds for a while. But I'll still be animting, I'm going to be branching out, which is PAINFULLY needed. I'm working on a new movie, which is coming along really well actually. I'm not going to give too much info about it, but if you're in the know about this stuff, you'll know I've been plastering it all over other sites already. And it's 100% Tywo free. I dno't think anybody will be too miffed about this anyway though. I have a bit of another short episode done, but I really don't feel like working on it, sheesh.

This new movie though, I'll try having done before I go off to college in the end of August. I believe I can do it since I feel so rejuvinated since I started this new project with fresh ideas and no preset... Well anything. The character design style is different, the backgrounds are different, the feel is different. Actually, I like the new background style so much, I may switch future episodes of Tywo to this style, no more outlines, just color. Also, it's widescreen, just sayin'.

So anyway, yeah, no more Tywo for a while, that little bastard is on a time-out until I know what to do with him.

During the meantime, I'd like to introduce you guys to a guy named Jim.

Oh yeah, NOODLES!

A Day Later...

Crap, I totally forgot about the voice actors that were supposed to be involved with Episode #4, sorry about there being no notice. But thank you for your hard work on the pieces you recorded. If and when I remake Episode #4, your roles may be recast, if so, I'll contact you when the time comes.

I Need A Break, Dare I Say... Hiatus?

Posted by Pixmintro - June 6th, 2009

Hey everybody!

Holy god a lot of stuff's been going on the last few weeks. It is official, as of yesterday evening, I am now a high school graduate... Cool. The graduation followed some of the most hectic days I've ever had. That Scholastics Art Award thing, you remember, that thing with the things and the people with the things and the... Yeah, the Award Ceremony was at Carnegie Hall on Thursday, they had Tony Kushman as the keynote speaker (Who wha?) and they had Paul Giamatti, Lilli Taylor and Jesse Eisenberg performing. It was pretty cool.

The time in New York City was freaking amazing! I've never been to Manhattan before so this was really cool. We stayed at the Warwick Hotel across from the Museum of Modern Art, it was pretty sweet, I've never seen a mini-bar with $50 drinks in it before. :P Anyway, after Carnegie, my family and my art teacher decided to do some sightseeing. We were right in the middle of everything, we were a block away from Radio City Music Hall and a short walk from Rockefeller Center. It was 8 so I'm like, hmm, I wanna see them film Keith Olbermann. I saw him up in his studio, I waved, and got a happy response from the stage director. As I crossed back across the street I brushed past a guy in a suit and turned to apologize for bumping into him. About 10 seconds later I realized it was Jimmy Fallon with a group of script coordinators, that was pretty cool.

Anyway, we shopped and ate, saw the Dave Matthews Band at Studio 1A and had a great 22 (yes 22) hours in New York City before havign to speed back home for Graduation. I'm also proud to say that I may be the only person ever to eat a cheeseburger in the bathroom at Carnegie Hall (Don't ask)... And that was a good burger.

Besides all the excitement of the last 48 hours or so, I'm also working on Episode #4 again, the stand-alones can wait a little. I got a new flatscreen for my computer as a graduation gift, so now all the movies are the size of my thumb on the screen haha... I'll try getting the episode done before the end of summer, I HOPE!!! I've got work on top of that too so.... Welp, I hope things have been going good, Sayonara!

Oh yeah, that thing danglin' from my neck, that's my Scholastics medal, bling-blong... As in Nerd bling.


My NYC Trip and Graduation All in a Day or So...

Posted by Pixmintro - May 9th, 2009

Hey everybody!

It's been a little while since I last posted, I just wanna catch you guys up on what's going on. Expect a new STAND-ALONE episode sometime in the next week. It's another Professor Hobsquable episode! Hooray! The original cut of it has been done since Tuesday night, but this movie sets the record for the fastest time EVER that I've thrown an episode together. It only took a DAY AND A HALF. I kid you not. Since I only spent a day and a half making it for my final project in Chemistry, I'm currently reanimating a lot of it right now. The lip-syncing was atrocious since I was on a tight schedule.

If you guys are internet savvy or are regulars on TheBackAlleys you may be able to find the original version, or have already seen it. Anyway, the episode is called "Careers In Chemistry". The next Stand-Alone I was talking about last time, yeah, I haven't had the time to get too far into it yet. It's still in its fetal stages. Here's a screenshot, I doubt I'll do the episode in a 16:9 Aspect Ratio though.

Well, that's all I wanted to say. I leave you with this... I support Brawl Funnies and if you didn't like it, that means you don't understand social commentary. Sayonara!

New Stand-Alone Episode Next Week!

Posted by Pixmintro - April 15th, 2009

Hey everybody, have a good Spring Break?

I'm glad everybody enjoyed the new "Stand-Alone" episode of "Tywo At Large"... Stand-Alone means it doesn't count as a series episode. Yeah, I've decided to take the advice of people like Coop83 and start focusing on making more short episodes so I'll have more submissions. Zac's pissed because he's been telling me to do that for a while now. :P This means "Chin Pubes" may be delayed about a month or so, since I've already started producing a new episode that my older brother Danny helped me write. It's about Tywo's clinically depressed, alcoholic teacher, it'll be good.

Anyway, here's some big news involving awards... Ooh. Today, "The Brunch Bunch" won 1st Place at the Regional Pennsylvania Computer Fair, which is pretty cool. That means I get to advance to the State Competition next month. Besides that, I have a much more extreme announcement... Some of you may already know or have flamed me for bragging...

Remember when "The Brunch Bunch" won a Gold Key and Best In Show at Regional Scholastics Art and Writing Awards?... Yeah, it got a Gold Medal at the National Scholastics Awards. :D I'm going to Carnegie Hall! Also, the movie could be aired on Ovation TV during the summer. Yeah, I've known for a few weeks now, but I kind of let the news sit.

Okay, so that's cool. I'll probably upload the alternate version of "The Brunch Bunch" since there is A LOT different in it. Sort of just a +1 submission I guess. So.... Sayonara!

EDIT 4-18-09:
Crap, I forgot to link my brother's vid. DURKIN AUTOMOTIVE

Here's a picture of the image I built for my tri-fold presentation. The paint on Liana's hair chipped so I had to repaint it this morning.

I Brag Too Much... And you all know it!

Posted by Pixmintro - April 1st, 2009

Hey everybody!

Just wanted to let you know the FOURTH episode of "Tywo At Large" is now in the portal!... Nah, there's no Episode #4... But there IS a new Tywo episode I whipped up over the last few weeks, I hope you guys enjoy it. There's a REALLY important message at the end of the episode, don't miss it!

Okay, sayonara!

Here's a JPEG-y screenshot!

EDIT: Thanks for the front page!

Tywo At Large Ep. # 4?!

Posted by Pixmintro - February 24th, 2009

Aw crap, I forgot to do this yesterday!

Anyway, yesterday was my birthday... Naw, not really, it was the 4th Anniversary of the creation of Ixintro Animation Enterprises! Yay! Wow, the companies done a lot of growing in the last year or so... Not by amount of employees but by amount of success! It hasn't even been a full year since our first successful movie... JEEZ!

Well, besides all that, which I know is painfully irrelevant to everyone but me... I'd like to make an announcement that a lot of people are already aware of...

THE REAL SILENT HILL MEETUP! Great for those who live in the Northeastern United States!

We're going to be camping overnight in an abandoned (Underground Mine Fire) town that inspired Silent Hill. It'll be ever so much fun! :P

Where?: Centralia, PA
When?: JUNE 19th-20th

Who's Going?:
Likely To Be There:
Ixintro (Duh, really?)
Corky52's roommate(s)
(Voice of Liana on "Tywo At Large")
Whitey (Sarah's friend)
Rich (Voice of Pat on "Tywo At Large")
Jon (Rich's brother)
Dana (Rich and Jon's bandmate)

Interested In Attending:
TomFulp :D

Did you notice all the notables interested in coming?! Uh huh, yeah.

There is NO AGE LIMIT... Minors welcome, half of us are minors anyway...

You don't have to stay the whole time (camp overnight) if you don't want to... As long as you can go somewhere else.


Just wanted to drop in and mention that... Sayonara!

Posted by Pixmintro - January 28th, 2009

Hey everybody, it's finally here...

The Announcement of the Casting Call for Episode #4 of "Tywo At Large"!... Yeah, I was going to do this last night, but I forgot to change the file format of my list of winners so they were trapped in a cybernetic tomb for the night... Oh well, better late then never... Very late.

I'd like to start by saying, thank you so much to all of those who applied, you're all extremely talented... Many of you may be a little over-qualified to participate. :P Anyway, some of you didn't provide auditions so I had to kind of dodge that and find other means, but everything's good.

This announcement DOESN'T mean I'm not open to anymore auditions in the future, these are just the ones I liked the most during the time I've received them... No, I won't replace you guys who won...

EPISODE #4 Guest Star Roster!:
Mayor Baxton- Hans Van Harken
Mrs. Komida- Temariix
Mrs. Baxton- Temariix (Got both because you're the only female voice actor who supplied an audition, you can diversify well though :P)
Jock #1- General-Ivan
Jock #2- JoSilver
Emanuel- Shard-Spider
Paramedic #1- Appsro
Paramedic #2- Shard-Spider

So there you go! Anybody who offered but didn't submit are still free to do so...

For Shard-Spider and Temariix, I'm a little wary of giving you all two different parts each so there is a possibility in the future of replacing one of your roles. I will consult you first though so it isn't a surprise or anything.

Okay, so there you have it, one more thing. All of those who won (congratulations) must provide their real names for crediting purposes. Not just for the movie credits but also for crediting when I package and send this movie off to festivals like I usually do with my others. Okay? You can just e-mail me info if you're the type who's all secretive about giving info over the net.

Last night, I posted one screenshot of the next episode, I might as well post another one so this isn't a big wall of text... So here's a screenshot of downtown Baxton Creek! Interesting note: It's actually a simplified rendering of Broad Street in Waverly, New York.

Crap, one more thing... I've been debating whether or not to start producing my movies in a letterbox, wide-screen style format. Should I? Shouldn't I? Okay, Sayonara!

Casting Call WINNERS!

Posted by Pixmintro - January 27th, 2009

Hey guys, I tried announcing who won tonight (Since I've been a lzy turd and have been postponing it over and over again)... Well, another project arose... I had the list all typed out on Microsoft Works and I was going to use that as my guide... But no computer at my work can convert a .wps file so I couldn't open it... I know a few winners off the top of my head, but I don't think it would be fair to announce some of you and not all... Most of you do have parts though.

Well, I'll try doing it soon... After I convert the file to an .rtf or something. :x Well, I've been working hard on certain parts of the movie and as a consellation, here's a screenshot!

Awe, aren't Pat and Liana a cute couple. :3

Casting Call Screw-Up... D:

Posted by Pixmintro - December 27th, 2008

Hey everybody, long time no see!

Okay, I've got to lay some news on you guys that a lot of you have known for a pretty long time. Last month, I was approached by Tomorrow's Nobody to do some work for them. I happily agreed! That just means I'll be animating some stuff for them but I'm still awaiting the stuff to get to work on... In the meantime, it's time for a...


Yes that's right, I'm about to begin production of "Tywo At Large" Episode #4 on January 1st and I'm looking to diversify my voice acting cast! It could even be you I choose, who knows, who knows. Anyway, let me fill you guys in on the next episode since it's been a while...

The episode's name is "Chin Pubes" and (SPOILER ALERT SO LOOK AWAY IF YOU DON'T WANT TO KNOW), it's about Tywo trying to see the theatrical release of "2 Girls 1 Cup... 2!", but him being 14 or whatever, it's the situation of Tywo trying to sneak into an R (Really?) rated movie... Also, Tywo is massively jealous of Pat's new peach fuzz. Anyway, there's going to quite a few new characters so I'm gonna look to you Newgroundsers to see if any of you would be worthy! (Yeah, I thought YungJazz's idea of doing this was brilliant.)

Mrs. Komida(40-something)- Apathetic after years of dealing with Tywo and just wants to enjoy her coffee and join a nice book club.

Mrs. Baxton(40-something)- Fiery protesting type, most likely a SHIITE Catholic, she's going to have to get angry, like mother like daughter... By that I mean she's Liana's mom.

Mayor Baxton- Hans Van Harken already nabbed him a few months ago. YEAH! :D

Emanuel (20-something)- He's the ticket taker at the movie theater, he may look hispanic but you can voice him anyway you like, as long as I approve. Zac tried with the angry Brian Posehn type voice but it didn't achieve some of the subtleties needed... He couldn't whisper.

Jock #1- One of the guys waiting for the movies, has to get very angry, very easily.

Jock #2- Not taking any crap from Jock #1. Yeah, they're going to start fighting for no reason.

(Maybe we can cover the jocks but I'd just like seeing some different takes on them.)

Girl on Date with Jock #1- Has to give a good high pitched "I ___________ed for this?!"

Paramedic #1- Just has to give a good astonished reaction like "Wow, I've never seen somebody ______________ before!"

Paramedic #2- Slightly gravely voice, delivering a funny response to the other paramedic.

Also, I'm going to need to do a few multivoice tracks involving people chanting during a protest...

I think that's about it, I'm content with Pat and Jackal's voices, I'm not seeking anymore lead voice replacements... At the moment. XP Anyway, this episode's going to try to dig more into the true feeling I was trying to get for the show. Hope you guys are as excited as I am! I can't make any predictions when this'll be done but it'll look even nicer than Episode #3! I'm hoping for summertime probably.

Man, I'm all over the place on this blog but, I got an AWESOME USB recording mic for Christmas, it's called a Snowball, made by Blue and it is perfect with dealing with all my screaming. :) It looks like this! It even comes with a cool Shock Mount.

Well, that's all right now, I'm done with my contributions to the Pork and Beans Collab, go dig for it. But I'm not done with The Pretender Collab piece yet, I will be soon though. Okay, I hope you all had a GREAT Christmas or Hannukah or Kwanzaa or whatever.... Christmahannukwanzaakuh... So see you later!

Oh, go check out the new and improved NOCTURNAL HAUNT, developed by Blumess and Autotank!

Here's a picture of Weezer's front man, Rivers Cuomo from my part of the Pork and Beans Collab!

UPDATE 12-28-08:
Wow, the fish are biting! Anyway, I've already recorded all my lines and they sound borderline professional (in sound quality anyway) so I'm really proud about that. I'm an idiot for not thinking of this sooner but if you guys want to take a glance at the rough draft of the script for "Chin Pubes" you can read it and critique it rightHERE! Yeah, I have a Camp North account... And loving it!


Posted by Pixmintro - November 14th, 2008

Hey everybody!

Well, I didn't get any of that "Best of October 2008" lovin', which ticked off a few choice people, but it's okay. This was an AWFUL month to submit, what with all the Fallen Angel episodes and everything... Anway, I've begun the groundwork for "Tywo at Large" Ep. #4 (Entitled "Chin Pubes"), I'm doing something I usually don't do for my movies beforehand... I'm storyboarding it (?!)... So far, I have the first 3 or so minutes roughed out, about 15 pages right now and I think this'll be a really good episode! I've even been blessed with a possible guest appearance by The AlmightyHans! That'll be killer!

Besides that, I'm not going to go any further than preproduction right now since I'm waiting for a new recording microphone (Cross your fingers for Christmas!) I'm just going to finish up whatever I feel like and let it simmer for a few weeks. During the meantime, I've found a TON of other stuff to participate in here. I've joined up with two collabs over the last week. I've never even done one before but for some reason I chose to do two, go figure. The first I joined was The Pork and Beans Collab, run by MarkyLyne and SickStick and that one definitely looks promising with all of the collaborators. I grabbed Part 5 and you may see some special cameos in it. :) More on that in the future, if you want to join, there's only ONE SPOT LEFT!

The second collab I joined just yesterday was The Pretender Collab (Revamped) run by Flashfrog... I was originally going to join up WAY back in April but I was too busy at the time, but the thing revived itself right after I finished Episode #3, YAY! I'm only doing one scene, but I'm proud of the scene... I'm doing Part 29 out of 30!

All-in-all, things are going pretty sweet right now, I'd like to thank everybody again for their tremendous support of "Tywo at Large" Episode #3 and I hope you'll stick around for 6 or so months for me to complete Episode #4!... By the way, I decided Episodes #1 and #2 aren't really part of the series continuity (Therefore, pilots... Especially Episode #2)... So this means "Tywo at Large" Episode #3 is technically... Episode #1 now! 5 more from where than came from!!!

One last thing, I hooked up with Blue-Mess and AutoTank on an awesome site they're developing, Check out NOCTURNAL HAUNT! (Site still under construction...)

I leave you with a sweet logo for the Pork and Beans Collab made by SickStick... Sayonara!

I'm In The Pork and Beans/Pretender Collabs:3