Watch out! Here comes the Grill Jockey's arch nemesis, the Vicious Vegan!
His prime goal in life is to use his brawling broccoli stalk to pound his beliefs of never eating any animal products into others' skulls and be a complete, condescending prick about it. Also, his finely toned calves are lethal weapons, he once killed a Starbucks cashier with them for not being impressed, and the guy didn't give him the Soy Latte he wanted, I mean REALLY!
This is the Villain I made for TBA Superhero/Supervillain Contest, I made it to the second round! I'll probably make it to the 3rd round, maybe. Anyway, I've just been busy having fun with my friends and shirking my responsibilities, always fun. Also, whoever hasn't seen Rob Zombie's El Superbeasto, go see it, it's freaking great so here's the trailer. Whatever, not gonna write a tl;dr post so sayonara!
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I'm gonna watch that cartoon 8 times a day!
It was hilarious, I loved all the really good voice actors they got.