Ixintro Fish Exporter Importing Company Ltd. Bringing you tasty, Taiwanese fish since February 23, 2005!

Age 33, Male


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Joined on 12/30/06

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Pixmintro's News

Posted by Pixmintro - October 28th, 2008

Okay, I don't have Front Page Posting privelages for a few days but this can't wait.


I didn't expect all of this stuff to be coming my way, I honestly didn't think this movie was that big a deal. I guess some of you thought otherwise, seeing the boost the site and you fans have given me. If you need evidence on that, just look at ALL THE SPASTIC UPDATES I left at the top of the page over the last week.

I got Front Paged, that was awesome! Gave me 13,000 views which was even more awesome... The Daily 2nd Place was pretty sweet too! Then yesterday, I got taken off the Front Page and I was more than satisfied. Hey, Front Paged at all is an amazing award...

But, I checked my Inbox this morning to find a message from Slackerzac, a fellow member of the Ixintroika (Management Team), he was excited like anything... I didn't know why though. I go to the Front Page... AND THE MOVIE'S BACK ON THE FRONT PAGE AGAIN! Right at the top! I flipped in a fit of happy confusion, I then noticed the new 'description' stating "WATCH THIS SERIES AND ENJOY DAMMIT!" I figured Zac must have changed it. I go back to change it to the original for whatever reason but am surprised to see... My original description is still intact saying "The Brunch Bunch" (NG-T103) Hope you like John Hughes films!"

Weird! So my question is... Wow! WHO DONE IT?!



Of course, it was Tom... anyway, the movie has finally worked its way off of the front page for good. That extra day and a helf added about 4500 more hits, sweet! And I now also know what it looks like to have more than 100 people favorite a movie...

I'd definitely like to thank everybody who helped support "Tywo at Large" in the 2008 Newgrounds Treasure Hunt! It (sort of, I think) won the Undiscovered Series catagory because it had the most links. THANKS! Thank you, Slackerzac, Corky52, cHunter, BobandBoey and everybody elase who had faith! Laterz!

Thank You All For Blowing Up "Tywo at Large"! BOOM!

Posted by Pixmintro - October 19th, 2008

Hey everybody, I've got some good news!

"Tywo At Large" Episode #3 (NG-T103) IS COMPLETE! (And only one day past due!)


For some people the movie hasn't worked but you can watch "Tywo At Large" Episode #3 at DeviantART right now!


I say one day instead of two because I tried uploading the movie around 11:30 EST last night, one problem though... THE MOVIE'S TOO BIG TO UPLOAD! Crap! Yes, the website declined the movie because it exceeded the filesize limit. The movie landed at 13.7 MB, too high for the 10 MB limit. This is after compression, people. The uncompressed, super-glossy version is well over 19 MB. So of course, instead of trying to further optimize the movie, I have PMed Wade and hopefully he'll respond post-haste. PLEASE!

Anyway, besides that irritating thorn in my side, I'm feeling pretty good about this one. Hopefully you guys will agree once its up. I was seriously Skyping Slackerzac with the movie file at 11 o' clock last night to see if I needed to fix anything... Nope, he thought it was great just the way it is. Phew...

Here are some of the specs for the movie though:

"The Brunch Bunch" Episode #3 (NG-T103) <Production Code
Written and Directed by Daran Carlin-Weber and Zac Shedd
Runtime: 10 Minutes 47 Seconds(I kid you not, it's almost 11 minutes of Tywo'ey goodness)
Total Production Time: Anywhere between 6 and 10 months (Production has overlapped with the older episodes, yes, I started this WAY before the others were uploaded on the site.)
Total Frame Count: 15,519
Frames Per Second: 24

Okay anyway, the episode features music by the Foo Fighters and Fugazi and also has the new-and-improved Ending Theme Song by Forgotten Riot, (They forgot to finish up the Opening Theme, so maybe next time!)

Wrapping this ranty tangent up, I just have to say, I am SO GLAD to be done with this movie! I have been working my fingers to the bone getting it done, (Seriously, about 50 seconds of this movie were just animated in the last 3 days!) This raises the question of another episode of "Tywo at Large"... There was one planned to come out... Next week, ahead of the US Presidential Election, yeah, I haven't even gotten to start that, the script isn't really as relevant and poinant as it was back when I wrote it in July (Who knew about Sarah Palin back then?!) So, what I'm planning on doing is taking a break before the next project (Originally NG-T105, now it's NG-T104). I'll probably start it around January (That's when I started this one) but luckily the next is a way shorter simpler plotline so it will probably be done sooner... Though, I am absolutelyNOT going to be doing deadlines for this next one. Too much unnecessary pressure... So I'll repost when I submit the movie and I hope you guys have a good week! Sayonara!

Also, the next episode is going to be called "Chin Pubes"... Go figure.

FRONT PAGED!: "Tywo At Large" Ep. #3

Posted by Pixmintro - October 2nd, 2008

*Trying again since first time I didn't have Front Page Posting...*

Hey everybody, did you happen to notice on Friday the 26th how you couldn't find the new, awesome 3rd episode of "Tywo at Large"? Well, obviously because there was no episode uploaded on Friday!

Yeah, sorry about that. I'd like to take this time now to apologize for making whomever wait for the 3rd installment of the "Tywo at Large" series. Back at the last update I wrote two weeks ago (?), the Septmber 26th airdate was fairly achieveable... Well, the next week or so definitely put an axe to that. All of a sudden I'm busy! I went on a class trip to the Renaissance Faire in Southern Pennsylvaine (Wihch was great by the way!) so I had to get a costume and design a heraldry and stuff like that. I've also been getting a little more homework than usual... I'm not trying to make excuses (it may sound like I am) for being lazy, if I were being lazy, I'd just come out and say "Yeah, I'm a lazy ass." For once, that's not completely true! :O

The episode has been taking much more time than originally planned but it was a little foolish claiming it would be done so quickly. Liana's voice is still waiting to be recorded, the actress Sarah's schedule has been really inflexible lately, so's mine so I'm waiting on that. Jackal's voice is going to be recorded last due to certain circumstances... But, don't get your panties in a bunch, the episode will be done soon. I'm setting a new rough airdate range of anywhere between October 10rd and October 17th, schedule permitting. Hey I'm a busy guy. But this episode will truly be an absolute gem, this will hopefully be my shining achievement. The movie is mammoth though, all the way up until last night, the file was suddenly 17 MB, that ticked me right off. Now I've got it compressed to 13-ish. It'll probably be a little more since there are a few more scenes to wrap up, which are looking great if I might add! Anyway, the movie is getting even LONGER, it'll most likely clock out around... 9 minutes 45 seconds? Maybe 10, who knows!

I just want to stress this, sorry if you were waiting for it, flame me if you want but the movie will be up as soon as possible. I've been working on it every time I've had free minute, few and far apart lately though. Okay, the least formal apology for anything ever, even less than the Exxon Valdez apology but I'm not some beuracrat who needs to write them all the time. Enjoy the wait, you won't be disappointed. Here's a picture of Tywo dead on top of a car. Sayonara!

P.S.: Didn't delete your comment on purpose SneakyGameBoy, just wanted to repost on the front page. :)

A 'Formal' Apology From Ixintro Animation Enterprises: Take 2

Posted by Pixmintro - September 16th, 2008

Hey everybody! Welcome to an obligatory news post, I might as well, haven't written one since July!

Anyway, the tentative deadline for the movie, (You may have already known, if you were paying attention) is SEPTEMBER 26TH!... What?! That's only uh... 10 days away from now! Yeah, I'm fully aware of that. I still have a lot left to do but if I work my butt off, I can probably get this thing up around 4:30 PM on Friday the 26th, if my schedule permits. Though there is a big issue, MY SOUND ISN'T SYNCHRONIZED! I learned that this usually occurs once your movie passes 3 MB in size (It's going to be 12 MB, another problem to deal with)... So I don't know what to do, I'm probably going to have to do some totally ghetto editing where I throw all the sounds in 2 seconds earlier to run right...


Besides the sound synchronization problem, the other problem is that the movie will most definitely exceed the size limit on the site, it's predicted to be around 12 to 13 MB once sound is done being dubbed in. I have Flash Optimizer but the trial purposely makes the final movie black-and-white (I wish I would have known that when I made "Tywo at Large Ep. #2" :p...... So I'll have to deal with that when the time comes, I'll probably have to send the movie to the administrators... Yeah, I know, I use A LOT of elipses... ... ... ...

Also, I've gotten a bulk of the voice audio done... Since I'm now recording it on my own without the help of Jon and Rich Benjamin, the sound is... Hmm around 90% of the quality it was for the "NEW Tywo At Large #1", which is still WAY better than most of the audio quality on movies on this site anyway. I still have to record Liana, Jackal, the Vice Principal and the Janitor's voices for the movies, then I'm all set with that. You know what, here's the cast-list!

Tywo At Large (Episode NG-T103) "The Brunch Bunch"
-Tywo Komida: Daran Carlin-Weber
Mr. Gibbard
Brian Johnson
-Mr. Goldsmith: Daniel Carlin-Weber (My big bro!)
-Liana Baxton: Sarah Flenders (Replacement for Katelyn Hedgeland)
Claire Standish
-Jackal Ginus: Nathan Ennis
-Patrick Hawkley: Richard Benjamin
-Principal Durnst: Zachary Shedd (Amazing voice actor!)
Robby The Fat Kid
Buddy Munchell

(Some other voice actors yet to be decided)...

Now wasn't that just peachy... Anyway the movie's final time will clock around... Mmm, 9 minutes of Tywo'ey goodness. :) 115 scenes of animation hell running at 24 fps. Wow, and to think as soon as I'm done with this 5 or 9 month animation odyssey, I'm planning on making another episode for late October?! Aw crap! Anyway, the movie will be up anywhere between September 26th and maybe October 3rd, just in case anything goes haywire. Here's a picture of Tywo falling out of a vent. Okay, Sayonara!

"Tywo At Large" Ep. #3 Due SEPTEMBER 26th!

Posted by Pixmintro - July 18th, 2008

Checked my Gmail to day and finally found a reply from the Ottawa International Animation Festival... Wait, let me fill you in if you forgot. About 2 months ago, I decided to send "Tywo At Large" Ep. #1.5 to the festival... Enough back story, anyway, I didn't get in. Mehhh... I'm not very surprised that I didn't get in, more than 2100 movies were submitted but sadly, only 105 were selected. Crap, only a 5% chance of getting in. It's still sucky news to hear, especially after paying $35 bucks for overnight delivery. Oh well, I'll probably keep sending movies anyway, "Tywo at Large" Ep. #3 is looking pretty good for that fair right about now! :) Overall, still little bit of a bummer.

Anyway, production is still rolling along with "Tywo at Large" Ep. #3, the movie is still continuing to exceed the time limit I was originally expecting. I thought it would be around 6 or 7 minutes, WRONG! Try about 9 or 10 minutes, perhaps longer! I keep adding random crap that extending the story. It's funny though, don't doubt that. Also, as I mentioned in my previous post, after Ep. #3 is complete, Ep. #4 is already prepared to be animated... But also, after that, Ep. #5 is ready to be made too. It's not going to be a politcal satire like Ep. #4 is planned to be, instead it'll be another normal Tywo episode. Good one though! Can't wait to do it. Of course it won't be out until 2009 though.

Well, I guess that's all the news I've got to post, comments are of course welcome and I'll be back soon with more stuff on the development of "Tywo at Large" Ep. #3, "The Brunch Bunch". By the way, here's another screenshot of a classroom scene from the movie. Sayonara!

Ottawa Int'l Animation Festival Is Missing Out

Posted by Pixmintro - June 29th, 2008

Hey everybody!

I just wanted to pop in and tell everybody what I'm up to. First off, I'm still working on Episode 3 of "Tywo at Large" and am expecting for it to be done on time. But also, I've kind of changed plans for the next episode. I originally wanted to do some gigantic Student Council election episode between Tywo and Liana to air for the 2008 General Election. Well, screw that. Seeing how this movie has taken me about 600 (?) hours of my time so far, there's no way I'll have it done in time to be relevent to current events... So, I'll just tell you guys now, "Tywo at Large" Ep. #4 will be a shorty similar to Ep. #2. It won't suck though! Besides all that stuff, I'm still awaiting the decision from the Ottawa International Animation Festival on whether or not to accept "Tywo at Large" Ep. #1.5 or not. The announcement will be made in a week or two, cross your fingers! (Don't have to, I'll do it for you.) Anyway, thanks everybody for continuing to support my movies (Holy crap, 4.12 B.A.!) I hope you like my new movie when it's done in September. Here's a screen shot from the "Breakfast Club" parody in the episode. It's Tywo's surly History teacher designed like Principal Vernon in the movie. Not much, but there'll be more soon. There's a caricature of John Bender I drew floating around on the BBS somewhere.

P.S.: Oh yeah, this guy has a really weird beardline too.

"Tywo at Large" Ep. #3 Up In September, Hopefully

Posted by Pixmintro - June 8th, 2008

Hey everybody!

Okay, even though I said I wasn't going to do this, I've decided to resubmit "Tywo at Large Ep. #1" because the new version being sent to the Ottawa International Animation Festival is seriously WAY better than the original version available on Newgrounds right now. The new version has new characters, new (more easy to follow) jokes, better lip-syncing and even has a NEW intro sequence that leads-in to the original opeing to the webisode! (Not the Opening credits, I mean the thing after it.) Also, the music in the intro sequence is a really good fit for some reason, its a song called "Bad Light" by Built to Spill. Anyway, the new submission will be available as "Tywo at Large Ep. #1.5" and will be available either Monday or Tuesday. The only reason I'm doing this is because the original version was first rated a 3.19, and because of the Computer Fair, the movie is now a 3.92. I WANT TO BEAT THAT SCORE! And if not, I'll delete the new one, and replace the old one with it. Okay, whatever, here's a screenshot from another new episode!

P.S. (Edit 4:16 PM) Screw it, I'll do it now!

"Tywo At Large Ep. #1.5"

Posted by Pixmintro - May 24th, 2008

Hey everybody, I've been away for a little while and what I came back too was awesome!

As some of you have heard, I won 2nd in the Pennsylvania Computer Fair for Animation (1st Place going to fellow Newgrounder Gun-Booster, for Hyperanimation Ep. #1). Anyway, I was planning on submitting a new and improved version of "Mischief Melee" to see if I could get a better rating, but no... Last week the movie was a 3.67 out of 5, now it is hovering around 3.83 out of 5. Nevermind, score's too good to just drop.

Anyway, the even bigger news that I'd like to announce is that I've decided to send "Mischief Melee" to the Ottawa International Animation Festival! I may not place in their student division but at least it'll get me a BUTT-LOAD of publicity.

Besides all that, I'd like to say thanks to all of those who have been treating my movies so well on here lately ("Noxious Gases and You" was just a movie I put up here just to update, but it got Daily 5th Place!) Okay, one more thing. The next movie (which I've said a little about before) will be called "The Brunch Bunch" (NG-T103) and as you may have guessed, at least part of the episode will be a "Breakfast Club" parody. Just to know, this episode's quality so far (2 minutes out of 11 minutes made) blows the other two movies out of the water! I'll put up some screenshots soon.

Okay, that's all I need to say, here's a random wallpaper I made for an episode I'll do sometime in the future! That disgusting brown thing is called a "Sog" (A deep-fried cheeseburger dipped in chocolate and drenched in "secret sauce"). Also, its wrapped in 'delightfully quilted paper foils' (toilet paper).

2nd Place in State Competition For "Mischief Melee"

Posted by Pixmintro - May 13th, 2008

Hi everybody!

Just wanted to tell you that "Noxious Gases and You" is now online! And it did great! It got a 3.82 right out of the starting line! (So to speak). It is tied for best of the day, will it get it? (No, but Daily 5th Place is Pretty Awesome too!) Go watch, enjoy, love... Oh yeah, I had to remove the film grain I animated, it slowed it down too much.

Random Future Episode Picture!

Great Rating!

Posted by Pixmintro - May 10th, 2008


Just wanted to update saying that I'm planning on releasing the Newgrounds version of "Noxious Gases and You" on May 13th for a number of reasons. #1: Not many people post movies on a Tuesday afternoon. #2: May 13th marks the 6th Anniversary of the conception of "Tywo At Large." <-Stupid fact. Anyway, just wanted to drop in and say "Hey this crap is coming out at this time!" Also, the reason its taken me so long to post a movie I originally made in September 2007 is because it was originally editted with Adobe Premiere. All of the grayscale and film grain effects, I had to RE-DO for the Flash version. Have you ever had to go back and decolorize 4,000 frames, its not fun. Okay, that's all I need to say, but I leave you with something in honor of the last episode of [Scrubs] to ever air on NBC.

New Cartoon Drops May 13th (Ep. #1 3.64/5)