Ixintro Fish Exporter Importing Company Ltd. Bringing you tasty, Taiwanese fish since February 23, 2005!

Age 33, Male


Edinboro University

Edinboro University

Joined on 12/30/06

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A 'Formal' Apology From Ixintro Animation Enterprises: Take 2

Posted by Pixmintro - October 2nd, 2008

*Trying again since first time I didn't have Front Page Posting...*

Hey everybody, did you happen to notice on Friday the 26th how you couldn't find the new, awesome 3rd episode of "Tywo at Large"? Well, obviously because there was no episode uploaded on Friday!

Yeah, sorry about that. I'd like to take this time now to apologize for making whomever wait for the 3rd installment of the "Tywo at Large" series. Back at the last update I wrote two weeks ago (?), the Septmber 26th airdate was fairly achieveable... Well, the next week or so definitely put an axe to that. All of a sudden I'm busy! I went on a class trip to the Renaissance Faire in Southern Pennsylvaine (Wihch was great by the way!) so I had to get a costume and design a heraldry and stuff like that. I've also been getting a little more homework than usual... I'm not trying to make excuses (it may sound like I am) for being lazy, if I were being lazy, I'd just come out and say "Yeah, I'm a lazy ass." For once, that's not completely true! :O

The episode has been taking much more time than originally planned but it was a little foolish claiming it would be done so quickly. Liana's voice is still waiting to be recorded, the actress Sarah's schedule has been really inflexible lately, so's mine so I'm waiting on that. Jackal's voice is going to be recorded last due to certain circumstances... But, don't get your panties in a bunch, the episode will be done soon. I'm setting a new rough airdate range of anywhere between October 10rd and October 17th, schedule permitting. Hey I'm a busy guy. But this episode will truly be an absolute gem, this will hopefully be my shining achievement. The movie is mammoth though, all the way up until last night, the file was suddenly 17 MB, that ticked me right off. Now I've got it compressed to 13-ish. It'll probably be a little more since there are a few more scenes to wrap up, which are looking great if I might add! Anyway, the movie is getting even LONGER, it'll most likely clock out around... 9 minutes 45 seconds? Maybe 10, who knows!

I just want to stress this, sorry if you were waiting for it, flame me if you want but the movie will be up as soon as possible. I've been working on it every time I've had free minute, few and far apart lately though. Okay, the least formal apology for anything ever, even less than the Exxon Valdez apology but I'm not some beuracrat who needs to write them all the time. Enjoy the wait, you won't be disappointed. Here's a picture of Tywo dead on top of a car. Sayonara!

P.S.: Didn't delete your comment on purpose SneakyGameBoy, just wanted to repost on the front page. :)

A 'Formal' Apology From Ixintro Animation Enterprises: Take 2


im a new fan but im ok with waiting for exlent flaahses weee oh and october is homework month i chacked my teachers books lol

Thanks, I was hoping I wasn't going to get spanked by people waiting for this. :)

Where am I?

You're in the matrix... The emergency exit is located to your right.

I hope you make your new flash soon! ^_^

I just animated the final scenes last night, though I still have some earlier scenes to still make. Also, ALL of the sounds are synchronized now!

I really like your flash cartoons they're fantastic. I've favorited you as a flash artist too, however I just find it annoying how you advertise your flash too much. Especially in the underrated flash post as well as Fion's post. Your series is good enough to become popular by itself, so perhaps the first few might be unheard of, but one day you'll produce a great one and it will get publicity.

I made a flash called 'CAHJ,' it took me 3 months and didn't win ANYTHING, only has 1000 views and 9 favs, at least yours won daily 5th. However I didn't go around posting about it as an underated flash.

Anyway keep up the good work blah blah :D Sorry to be so negative.

Don't worry about it, I'm an attention whore. So are all my friends and they've been throwing the movies around like crazy as well. It's like a vortex of whoredom when it comes to "Tywo at Large", I'm just a really impatient person. Sorry if I put you off a little bit by all my whoriness. :)

Also, I like to think the whoring is making a little bit of a difference though.