Hey everybody. Yeah, I got my username changed, I already forgot!
I'm very happy with the feedback Cheromanchequois has received (A week on front page, jeez!), thank you all very much. It appears that a bunch of people haven't quite grasped the message of the movie, and I would set the record straight, but I don't really see why I should so I won't. K? Protip, if you think the movie is offensive, it's probably cuz you're readin into it backwards. But honestly, reviews complaining about that are much better than 500 reviews asking for a rape scene, amirite? ¯\(%u30C4)/¯
Anyway, if you guys want to watch my progress on my pilot project, feel free to follow at The Comatose Cartoonist. I should be putting up shittons of production art over the next few weeks as I start prepping.
Oh I almost forgot, my animation professors made a sweet-ass stop motion music video, check it out!
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I'm off! I leave you with a compacted image of the cast of Summer Rec.
I liked the animation with the robots.